NAV undefined
undefined O'zbekcha English Русский


Api Url

Version 1.0 End point

Local Requests

Create request

--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
         "senderAddress":"Tashkent city, Bobur street, 5-A",
         "senderReal":"Jurabek Turdiyev",
         "senderPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
                  "name": "Book",
                  "code": "ZFD21AD",
                  "count": 1
                  "name": "Notebook",
                  "code": "AV2321",
                  "count": 2
         "receiver":"Odil Ahkmedov",
         "receiverAddress":"Gozovo village, 41 house",
         "receiverPhone":"+998 99 1234567",


    "orderId": 229234,
    "customer": {
        "id": 79,
        "name": "ООО JOHD "
    "status": {
        "id": 1,
        "info": "In the client"
    "senderRegion": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Andijan region"
    "senderCity": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Asaka district",
        "regionId": 2
    "senderBranch": {
        "id": 93,
        "name": "ASAKA BTS"
        "regionId": 2
    "senderDelivery": 1,
    "senderAddress": "Tashkent city, Babaeva street, 7-A",
    "senderReal": "Jurabek Turdiyev",
    "senderPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
    "receiver": "Odil Ahkmedov",
    "receiverRegion": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Andijan region"
    "receiverCity": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Asaka district"
    "receiverBranch": {
        "id": 93,
        "name": "ASAKA BTS"
        "regionId": 2
    "receiverDelivery": 1,
    "receiverAddress": "Gozovo village, 41 house",
    "receiverPhone": "+998 99 1234568",
    "receiverPhone1": null,
    "package": {
        "id": 8,
        "name": "BTS packages"
    "postType": {
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Documents"
    "cost": "12000.00",
    "weight": "2.000",
    "piece": 1,
    "clientId": abc123mn12,
    "volume": 0,
    "takePhoto": 0,
    "senderSign": null,
    "receiverSign": null,
    "senderDate": "2018-02-06",
    "receiverDate": "2018-02-07",
    "barcode": "60000006106"
    "labelEncode": "<encoded_file>"

Failure Validation error

"errors": {
    "senderPhone": [
        "The «Phone» field must be filled."
    "weight": [
        "The «Kg» field must be filled."

HTTP Request

POST /order/add

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
senderCityId* integer Sender city. List of cities
senderAddress* string Sender address
senderDelivery integer 1-Call a courier, 0-self-pickup at BTS office.
senderReal* string Sender's full name
senderPhone* string Sender's phone number
weight* double Shipment weight
packageId* integer Type of packaging. Types of packaging
postTypeId* integer Type of shipment Types of shipment
receiver* string Recipient's full name
receiverAddress* string Recipient's address
receiverDelivery integer 1-If the courier delivers, 0-if the recipient picks it up from the BTS office.
receiverCityId* integer Recipient's city. List of cities
receiver_branch_id integer If receiverDelivery = 0 than sent, receiver_branch_id will be appended with office "id" present in "receiverCityId"List of branches
clientId string Client barcode
volume number Volume (volume = length * height * width) of shipment
takePhoto integer 1 - recipient's photo required, 0 - not required. Default is 0. Accepted values
is_test integer 1 - for testing, 0 - not required. Default is 0. Accepted values
senderSign string Sender's signature
receiverSign string Recipient's signature
piece integer Place of dispatch, default is 1
senderDate date Dispatch date, default is the request date
receiverDate date Receipt date, default is the request date
receiverPhone* string Recipient's phone
receiverPhone1 string Additional recipient's phone number
bringBackMoney integer 1-return money for the goods, 0-no cash on delivery.
back_money integer Specify the amount when bringBackMoney is 1.
bringBackWaybill integer 1-document return required
additionalInfo string Comments (One copy of the document is returned)
labelEncode string Barcode (file)

Request information

Http request

GET /order/detail&id=<orderId>

Parameter Type Description
orderId integer Order number
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

JSON формат:

    "orderId": "<orderId>",
    "customer": {
        "id": 79,
        "name": "ООО JOHD "
    "status": {
        "id": 1,
        "info": "In the client"
    "senderRegion": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Andijan region"
    "senderCity": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Asaka district",
        "regionId": 2
    "senderBranch": {
        "id": 93,
        "name": "ASAKA BTS"
        "regionId": 2
    "senderDelivery": 1,
    "senderAddress": "г.Ташкент,ул.Бабаева,7-А",
    "senderPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
    "receiver": "Odil Ahkmedov",
    "receiverRegion": {
        "id": 2,
        "name": "Andijan region"
    "receiverCity": {
        "id": 3,
        "name": "Асака туман"
    "receiverBranch": {
        "id": 93,
        "name": "ASAKA BTS"
        "regionId": 2
    "receiverDelivery": 1,
    "receiverAddress":"Gozovo village, 41 house",
    "receiverPhone": "+998 99 1234568",
    "receiverPhone1": null,
    "package": {
        "id": 8,
        "name": "BTS packages"
    "postType": {
        "id": 4,
        "name": "Documents"
    "cost": "12000.00",
    "weight": "2.000",
    "piece": 1,
    "volume": "0",
    "urgent": 0,
    "takePhoto": 0,
    "senderSign": null,
    "receiverSign": null,
    "senderDate": "2018-02-06",
    "receiverDate": "2018-02-07",
    "barcode": "60000006106"
    "labelEncode": "<encoded_file>"


Delete order

Http request

GET /order/cancel&id=<orderId>

Parameter Type Description
orderId integer Order number
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

JSON формат:

    "orderId": "229234",
    "status": {
        "id": 0,
        "name": "Cancelled Order"

Request calculator

Request price.

Http Request

POST /order/calculate

--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"\
    "senderCityId": 3,
    "receiverCityId": 3,
    "weight": 1,
    "volume": null,
    "senderDate": "2018-02-06",
    "senderDelivery": 1,
    "receiverDelivery": 1


    "summaryPrice": 10000,
    "requestData": {
        "weight": 1,
        "volume": null,
        "senderCityId": 3,
        "receiverCityId": 3,
        "senderDate": "2018-02-06",
        "senderDelivery": 1,
        "receiverDelivery": 1


    "errors": {
        "senderCityId": [
            "The "Sender city" field must be filled."
Parameter Type Description
senderCityId* integer Sender city. List of cities
weight* double Shipment weight
receiverCityId* integer Recipient's city. List of cities
volume number Volume (volume = length * height * width) of shipment
senderDate date Dispatch date, default is the request date
senderDelivery integer 2-Call a courier (from a remote village), 1-Call a courier (city), 0-self-pickup at BTS office.
receiverDelivery integer 2-If the courier delivers (from a remote village), 1-If the courier delivers (city), 0-if the recipient picks it up from the BTS office.

Current status

Http request

GET /order/track&id=<orderId>

--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Parameter Type Description
orderId integer Request ID


    "orderId": 229234,
    "status": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "new"


Http request

GET /order/history&id=<orderId>

Parameter Type Description
orderId integer Request ID
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


    "message": "message1",
    "timestamp": 1720690236,
    "status_id": 4,
    "location": "QUSHBEGI BTS (PVZ)"
    "message": "message2",
    "timestamp": 1720690321,
    "status_id": 5,
    "location": "JARQO'RG'ON BTS"

Reasons for cancellation

Http request

GET v1/order/cancellation&id=<orderId>

Parameter Type Description
orderId integer Request ID
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


    "employee": "Jon Done",
    "description": "Saqlash muddati tugagan",
    "date": 2024-08-20 14:29:06
    "employee": "Jon Done",
    "description": "Noto`g`ri manzil",
    "date": 2024-08-23 14:29:06

Status list

id info
0 Refused
1 At the sender
2 Courier accepted
3 At the sending office
4 At the delivery office
5 Courier delivering
6 Delivered
7 Return
8 At the intermediate office
10 Sorting Center
31 In the warehouse
32 In the bag
33 In transit
34 At the courier distribution center

International Requests

Create request

--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
         "ReceiverPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
         "ReceiverPhone1":"+998 88 1234567",
         "ReceiverAddress":"Tashkent city, Bobur street, 5-A",


    "ParcelNumber": "366489851"
    "ReceiverPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
    "ReceiverPhone1": "+998 88 1234567",
    "ReceiverPatronymic": 2,
    "ReceiverSurname": Elizabeth,
    "ReceiverFirstName": Emily,
    "ReceiverPassposrtSerial": AC,
    "ReceiverPassposrtNumber": 0579415,
    "ReceiverPinfl": 12345678912345,
    "ReceiverAddress":"Tashkent city, Bobur street, 5-A",
    "ReceiverCustomsAgree": 1,
    "ParcelWeight": "4"
    "ParcelValue": "312412 "
    "ParcelDeclareCurrency": "RUB"
    "ReceiverDelivery": 0,
    "branch": {
        "ReceiverBranchId": 62,
        "name": "ASAKA BTS"
    "city": {
        "ReceiverCityId": 3,
        "name": "Asaka district"
    "products": {
            "ProductDescription": "Футболка1",
            "ProductDescriptionRu": "ФутболкаRu1",
            "ProductQuantity": "2",
            "ProductWeight": "4",
            "ProductDeclareValue": "1",
            "ProductUrl": "url1",
            "ProductUnit": "kg",
            "HsCodeIs": "6211390000",
            "ProductModel": "2324345",
            "ProductImei": "2342342341245"
            "ProductDescription": "Футболка2",
            "ProductDescriptionRu": "ФутболкаRu2",
            "ProductQuantity": "1",
            "ProductWeight": "5",
            "ProductDeclareValue": "1",
            "ProductUrl": "url2",
            "ProductUnit": "kg",
            "HsCodeIs": "546567565",
            "ProductModel": "6523434",
            "ProductImei": "324234523412"

Failure Validation error

"errors": {
    "ReceiverPhone": [
        "The «Phone» field must be filled."
    "ParcelWeight": [
        "The «Kg» field must be filled."

HTTP Request

POST /international/add

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ParcelNumber* string Parcel Number
ReceiverPhone* string Contact Number
ReceiverPhone1 string Local Phone
ReceiverPatronymic string Patronymic
ReceiverSurname* string Last Name
ReceiverFirstName* string First Name
ReceiverPassposrtSerial* string Passport Series
ReceiverPassposrtNumber* string Passport Number
ReceiverPinfl* string Pinfl
ReceiverAddress string Recipient’s Address (Individual)
ReceiverCustomsAgree string Recipient Customs Agreement
ParcelWeight* string Parcel Weight
ParcelValue string Parcel Value
ParcelDeclareCurrency* string Parcel Declare Currency
ReceiverCityId integer Recipient's city. List of cities
ReceiverBranchId integer If receiverDelivery = 0 than sent, receiver_branch_id will be appended with office "id" present in "receiverCityId"List of branches
ReceiverDelivery* string 1-Call a courier, 0-self-pickup at BTS office.
products array An array of Product details
ProductDescription* text Product Description
ProductDescriptionRu* text Description in Russian
ProductQuantity* string Quantity
ProductWeight* string Net Weight (kg)
ProductDeclareValue* string Declared Value per Unit
ProductUrl* string Product URL
ProductUnit* string Product unit Weight: Kilogram (kg), Gram (g), Tonne (t). Quantity: Piece (pcs). Volume: Litre (L), Millilitre (mL), Cubic meter (m³).
HsCodeIs* string HS Code
ProductModel string Product Model
ProductImei string Product IMEI

Current status

Http request

GET /international/track-by-barcode&barcode=<barcode>

--request GET \
--url "<barcode>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Parameter Type Description
barcode string Application barcode


    "barcode": 01000865704,
    "status": {
        "code": 200,
        "message": "In the sorting center"


--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'


    "success": true,
    "message": "Manifest processed successfully.."

Failure Validation error

"errors": {
    "ManifestNumber": [
        "ManifestNumber cannot be blank.."
    "ParcelsCount": [
        "ParcelsCount cannot be blank.."

HTTP Request

POST /international/manifest

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Description
ManifestNumber* string Manifest Number
Date* string Manifest Date
ParcelNumber* string Parcel Number
ParcelsCount* string Parcels Count

Status list

code info
100 At the sender's
110 At the customs office
120 It came out at customs
130 Canceled from customs
200 In the sorting center
300 At the receiver's office
400 Courier is delivering
500 Delivered


List of cities

id regionId The name of the product must be filled
1 14 Shakhrisabz city
2 3 Pap district
3 2 Asaka district
4 5 Tashkent district
5 5 Yangiyul city
6 5 Ahangaran city
7 5 Nurafshon city
8 11 Nukus city
9 11 Takhiatash district
10 4 Khiva city
11 11 Amu Darya district
12 11 Beruni district
13 11 Kandikul district
14 11 Karaozak district
15 11 Kegeyli district
16 11 Kungrad district
17 11 Muynak district
18 11 Nukus district
19 11 Takhtakupyr district
20 11 Turktul district
21 11 Khujayli district
22 11 Chimbay district
23 11 Shumanay district
24 11 Ellikkala district
25 2 Andijan city
26 2 Khanabad city
27 2 Andijan district
28 2 Balykchi district
29 2 Bulakbashi district
30 2 Boz district
31 2 Jalalkuduk district
32 2 Izboskan district
33 2 Ulugnor district
34 2 Markhamat district
35 2 Pakhtabad district
36 2 Khudjaabad district
37 2 Altynkul district
38 2 Kurgantepa district
39 2 Shakhrikhan district
40 7 Bukhara city
41 7 Kagan city
42 7 Bukhara district
43 7 Babkent district
44 7 Jandar district
45 7 Kagan district
46 7 Alat district
47 7 Peshkun district
48 7 Romitan district
49 7 Shafirkan district
50 7 Karakul district
51 7 Karaulbazar district
52 7 Gijduvan district
53 9 Arnasay district
54 9 Bakhmal district
55 9 Gallyaaral district
56 9 Dustlik district
57 9 Jizzakh city
58 9 Jizzakh
59 9 Zarbdor district
60 9 Zafarabad district
61 9 Zamin district
62 9 Mirzachul district
63 9 Pakhtakor district
64 9 Farish district
65 9 Yangiabad district
66 14 Karshi city
67 14 Karshi district
68 14 Mubarek district
69 14 Guzar district
70 14 Kamashi district
71 14 Chirakchi district
72 14 Shakhrisabz district
73 14 Kasbin district
74 14 Kasan district
75 14 Kitab district
76 14 Nishan district
77 14 Mirishkor district
78 14 Dekhanabad district
79 14 Yakkabag district
80 10 Navoi city
81 10 Zarafshan city
82 10 Karmanin district
83 10 Tamdin district
84 10 Navbahor district
85 10 Nurata district
86 10 Hatirchi district
87 10 Kyzyltepa district
88 10 Kanimekh district
89 10 Uchkuduk city
90 3 Namangan city
91 3 Mingbulak district
92 3 Kasansay district
93 3 Namangan district
94 3 Naryn district
95 3 Turakurgan district
96 3 Uychi district
97 3 Uchkurgan district
98 3 Chartak district
99 3 Chust district
100 3 Yangiqurghon district
101 8 Samarkand city
102 8 Urgut district
103 8 Pakhtachin district
104 8 Kattakurgan district
105 8 Samarkand district
106 8 Bulungur district
107 8 Jambay district
108 8 Koshrabad district
109 8 Narpay district
110 8 Tailak district
111 8 Pastdargom district
112 8 Nurobod district
113 8 Kattakurgan city
114 8 Payarik district
115 8 Akdarya district
116 8 Ishtikhon district
117 13 Termez city
118 13 Termez district
119 13 Muzrabad district
120 13 Altynsay district
121 13 Denau district
122 13 Sariasiy district
123 13 Kizirik district
124 13 Jarkurgan district
125 13 Angor district
126 13 Kumkurgan district
127 13 Baysun district
128 13 Shurchi district
129 13 Sherabad district
130 13 Uzun district
131 12 Gulistan city
132 12 Yangiyer city
133 12 Shirin city
134 12 Okaltyn district
136 12 Gulistan district
137 12 Mirzaabad district
138 12 Saykhunabad district
139 12 Sardoba district
140 12 Syrdarya district
141 12 Khavast district
142 5 Angren city
143 5 Bekabad city
144 5 Almalyk city
145 5 Chirchik city
146 5 Bekabad district
147 5 Bostanlyk district
148 5 Kibray district
149 5 Zangiata district
150 5 Kuyi-Chirchik district
151 5 Akkurgan district
152 5 Parkent district
154 5 Urta-Chirchik district
155 5 Chinaz district
156 5 Yukori-Chirchik district
157 5 Bukin district
158 5 Yangiyul district
159 5 Ahangaran district
160 15 Fergana city
161 15 Margilan city
162 15 Kuvasay city
163 15 Kokand city
164 15 Baghdad district
165 15 Buvayda district
166 15 Dangara district
167 15 Yazyavan district
168 15 Altyaryk district
169 15 Besharyk district
170 15 Kushtopin district
171 15 Rishton district
172 15 Sokh district
173 15 Tashlak district
174 15 Uchkupirik district
175 15 Fergana district
176 15 Uzbekistan district
177 15 Kuvin district
178 15 Furkat district
179 4 Urgench city
180 4 Bagat district
181 4 Urgench district
182 4 Kushkupyr district
183 4 Khanki district
184 4 Yangiaryk district
185 4 Khiva district
186 4 Yangibazar district
187 4 Khazarasp district
188 4 Shavat district
189 4 Gurlen district
190 6 Bektemir district
191 6 Mirabad district
192 6 M. Ulugbek district
193 6 Sergeli district
216 6 Yangihayot district
194 6 Almazar district
195 6 Uchtepa district
196 6 Yashnabad district
197 6 Chilanzar district
198 6 Shaykhantakhur district
199 6 Yunusabad district
200 6 Yakkasaray district
201 5 Pskent district
167 15 Yozovon district
58 9 Sharof Rashidov district
217 11 Bozatov district
14 11 Qorauzak district
219 14 Kokdala district
218 4 Tuproqqala district
135 12 Boyovut district
220 13 Bandikhon district


id name
4 Khorezm region
15 Fergana region
5 Tashkent region
6 Tashkent
12 Syrdarya region
13 Surkhandarya region
8 Samarkand region
3 Namangan region
10 Navoi region
14 Kashkadarya region
11 Karakalpakstan
9 Jizzakh region
7 Bukhara region
2 Andijan region


Http request

GET /directory/branches&regionId=<Id>

Parameter Type Description
regionId integer Region number (optional)
--request GET \
--url "<Id>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

JSON формат:

    "id": 10,
    "name": "KARSHI BTS",
    "regionId": 14,
    "cityId": 66,
    "address": "KARSHI 5-Mikro rayon ul. Nasaf. or: Nikoh uyi orqa tomoni ",
    "lat_long": "38.837395,65.783467",
    "phone": "1230",
    "video_link": "",
    "working_hours": {
        "1": "08:00-20:00",
        "2": "08:00-20:00",
        "3": "08:00-20:00",
        "4": "08:00-20:00",
        "5": "08:00-20:00",
        "6": "08:00-16:00",
        "7": "08:00-16:00"

Branches (cityId)

Http request

GET /directory/branches-with-city&cityId=<Id>

Parameter Type Description
cityId integer City number (Optional)
--request GET \
--url "<Id>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"

JSON формат:

    "id": 79,
    "name": "MALIKA BOZOR BTS",
    "regionId": 6,
    "cityId": 198,
    "address": "Toshkent, Labzak ko'ch 2/122. Mag 118 or: Tramvay aylanasi",
    "lat_long": "41.338727,69.269875",
    "phone": "1230",
    "video_link": "",
    "working_hours": {
        "1": "09:00-18:00",
        "2": "09:00-18:00",
        "3": "09:00-18:00",
        "4": "09:00-18:00",
        "5": "09:00-18:00",
        "6": "09:00-18:00",
        "7": "09:00-18:00"
    "id": 24,
    "name": "SHAYXONTOHUR BTS",
    "regionId": 6,
    "cityId": 198,
    "address": "TASHKENT, ul. Furkat 6. Mo'ljal: Xadra,Asaka Bankni orqasi",
    "lat_long": "41.319124,69.240262",
    "phone": "1230",
    "video_link": "",
    "working_hours": {
        "1": "27/7",
        "2": "27/7",
        "3": "27/7",
        "4": "27/7",
        "5": "27/7",
        "6": "27/7",
        "7": "27/7"

Types of shipment

id name
4 Documents
5 Spare parts
6 Medications
7 Office equipment
8 Books
9 Glassware
10 Advertising materials
11 Clothing and footwear
12 Mobile phone
13 Passport
14 Perfume
15 Products
16 Chemicals
17 Prostheses (teeth)
18 Seeds
19 Plastic card
20 Seal
21 Plumbing
22 Furniture
23 Medical instruments
24 Fabric - material
25 Equipment
26 Stationery
27 Household goods
28 Toys
29 Jewelry
30 Cosmetics
31 Home appliances
32 Dried fruits
33 Building materials

Types of packaging

id name
4 Bag
5 Container
6 Envelope
7 Box
8 BTS packages
9 Without packaging
10 Factory packaging

Yes or No

Values Descriptions
1 Enabled
0 Disabled

Status list

id info
0 Refused
1 At the sender
2 Courier accepted
3 At the sending office
4 At the delivery office
5 Courier delivering
6 Delivered
7 Return
8 At the intermediate office
10 Sorting Center
31 In the warehouse
32 In the bag
33 In transit
34 At the courier distribution center

Fulfillment WMS

Http request

POST /auth

curl \
--request POST \
--url "http://wms.bts:8040/v1/auth/login" \
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
    "login": "login",
    "password": "password"


    "access_token": "string",
    "refresh_token": "string"
Parameter Type Description
login string foydalanuvchi inn yoki tel raqam, tuldrish shart
password string parolni tuldirish shart

Purveyor create

Http request

POST v1/purveyor/create

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
    "group": "group",
    "code": "code",
    "name": "name",
    "full_name": "full_name",
    "name_eng": "name_eng",
    "stock_percentage": "stock_percentage",
    "stock_expiry": "stock_expiry",
    "legal_entity": "legal_entity",
    "inn": "inn",
    "kpp": "kpp",
    "okpp": "okpp",
    "is_buyer": "is_buyer",
    "main_delivery_address": "main_delivery_address",
    "depositor": "depositor",
    "contract_number": "contract_number",
    "contract_date": "contract_date",
    "bank_details": "bank_details",
    "contact_info": "contact_info",
    "additional_details": "additional_details",
    "is_supplier": "is_supplier"


    "message": "Record successfully created.",
    "data": {
        "id": 14,
        "group": "string",
        "code": "string",
        "name": "string",
        "full_name": "string",
        "name_eng": "string",
        "contractBankDetail": {
            "id": 11,
            "supplier_buyer_id": 14,
            "contract_number": "string",
            "contract_date": "2024-11-11",
            "bank_details": "string",
            "contact_info": "string",
            "additional_details": "string",
            "main_delivery_address": "string"
        "entityType": {
            "id": 11,
            "stock_percentage": "0.00",
            "stock_expiry": 0,
            "supplier_buyer_id": 14,
            "legal_entity": true
        "supplierBuyerStatus": {
            "id": 11,
            "supplier_buyer_id": 14,
            "is_supplier": true,
            "is_buyer": true,
            "depositor": true
        "taxInfo": {
            "id": 11,
            "supplier_buyer_id": 14,
            "inn": "string",
            "kpp": "string",
            "okpo": "string"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "http:/"
Parameter Type Description
group string Product group is mandatory
code string Product code must be entered
name string The name of the product must be filled
full_name string The full name of the product is mandatory
name_eng string English name (product name in English)
stock_percentage string Availability reserve percentage
stock_expiry string Date of Expired
legal_entity boolean Legal/Physical Entity (Da/Net)
inn integer Taxpayer identification number
kpp integer Company registered code
okpp integer Supplier:
is_buyer boolean Customer (Da/Net)
main_delivery_address string Primary delivery address
depositor boolean Storekeeper (storekeeper responsible for the product)
contract_number integer Contract number
contract_date string Contract Date
bank_details string Bank details:
contact_info string Contact information
additional_details string Additional details
is_supplier boolean Supplier (Da/Net)

Purveyor list

Http request

GET v1/purveyor/clients

curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"


    "message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
    "data": {
        "items": [
                "id": 12,
                "group": "string",
                "code": "string",
                "name": "string",
                "full_name": "string",
                "name_eng": "string",
                "contractBankDetail": {
                    "id": 9,
                    "supplier_buyer_id": 12,
                    "contract_number": "string",
                    "contract_date": "2024-10-10",
                    "bank_details": "string",
                    "contact_info": "string",
                    "additional_details": "string",
                    "main_delivery_address": "string"
                "entityType": {
                    "id": 9,
                    "stock_percentage": "20.00",
                    "stock_expiry": 0,
                    "supplier_buyer_id": 12,
                    "legal_entity": true
                "supplierBuyerStatus": {
                    "id": 9,
                    "supplier_buyer_id": 12,
                    "is_supplier": true,
                    "is_buyer": true,
                    "depositor": true
                "taxInfo": {
                    "id": 9,
                    "supplier_buyer_id": 12,
                    "inn": "string",
                    "kpp": "string",
                    "okpo": "string"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
        "_links": {
            "self": "/v1/purveyor/clients?page=1",
            "first": "/v1/purveyor/clients?page=1",
            "last": "/v1/purveyor/clients?page=1"
        "_meta": {
            "totalCount": 11,
            "pageCount": 1,
            "currentPage": 1,
            "perPage": 20
Parameter Type Description
group string Product group is mandatory
code string Product code must be entered
name string The name of the product
full_name string The full name of the product is mandatory
name_eng string English name (product name in English)
stock_percentage string Availability reserve percentage
stock_expiry string Date of Expired
legal_entity boolean Legal/Physical Entity (Da/Net)
inn integer Taxpayer identification number
kpp integer Company registered code
okpp integer Supplier:
is_buyer boolean Customer (Da/Net)
main_delivery_address string Primary delivery address
depositor boolean Storekeeper (storekeeper responsible for the product)
contract_number integer Contract number
contract_date string Contract Date
bank_details string Bank details:
contact_info string Contact information
additional_details string Additional details
is_supplier boolean Supplier (Da/Net)


Http request

POST v1/purveyor/client-status

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept\: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
    "status" => [
                  {"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
                  {"id": 2,"status": "ok"}


  "message": "supplier-buyers successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter Type Description
status array You need to send the IDs of successfully saved purveyor with an OK status.

Product create

Http request

POST v1/product/create

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
    "group": "group",
    "code": "code",
    "name": "name",
    "full_name": "full_name",
    "gtin": "gtin",
    "article": "article",
    "nomenclature_type": "nomenclature_type",
    "shelf_life_stock": "shelf_life_stock",
    "abc_class": "abc_class",
    "kis_code": "kis_code",
    "comment": "comment",
    "is_set": "is_set",
    "weight": "weight",
    "net_weight": "net_weight",
    "min_shelf_life_stock": "min_shelf_life_stock",
    "name_eng": "name_eng",
    "tsd_name": "tsd_name",
    "volume": "volume",
    "net_volume": "net_volume",
    "shelf_life_deviation_days": "shelf_life_deviation_days",
    "min_shelf_life_period": "min_shelf_life_period",
    "shelf_life_deviation_period": "shelf_life_deviation_period",
    "depositor": "depositor",
    "seasonal_abc_coefficient": "seasonal_abc_coefficient",
    "specification": "specification",
    "storage_period_days": "storage_period_days",
    "default_status": "default_status",
    "temperature_mode": "temperature_mode",
    "base_packaging": "base_packaging",
    "billing_packaging": "billing_packaging",
    "report_packaging": "report_packaging",
    "unit": "unit"


    "message": "Record successfully created.",
    "data": {
        "id": 34,
        "supplier_buyer_id": 5,
        "group": "string",
        "code": "12345",
        "name": "string",
        "full_name": "string",
        "gtin": "1234",
        "article": "string",
        "nomenclature_type": "string",
        "unit": "string",
        "comment": "string",
        "productPackagin": {
            "id": 5,
            "product_id": 34,
            "base_packaging": "string",
            "billing_packaging": "string",
            "report_packaging": "string"
        "productShelfLive": {
            "id": 8,
            "product_id": 34,
            "shelf_life_stock": "40.00",
            "min_shelf_life_stock": "33.00",
            "shelf_life_deviation_days": 0,
            "shelf_life_period": 0,
            "min_shelf_life_period": 0,
            "shelf_life_deviation_period": 0,
            "storage_period_days": 0,
            "specification": "string",
            "temperature_mode": "string"
        "productTechnical": {
            "id": 15,
            "product_id": 34,
            "weight": "20.000",
            "net_weight": "50.000",
            "volume": "30.000",
            "net_volume": "60.000",
            "is_set": true,
            "kis_code": "string",
            "default_status": "string"
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "http:/"
Parameter Type Description
group string Product group is mandatory
code string Product code must be entered
name string The name of the product must be filled
full_name string The full name of the product is mandatory
gtin integer GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) must be filled in
article string The product article (article number) must be filled
nomenclature_type string Nomenclature type (type of product) must be filled
shelf_life_stock integer Expiration reserve (maximum shelf life of the product) must be filled
abc_class string ABC class (product classification according to ABC analysis)
kis_code string The KIS code (Computer Information System code) must be filled
comment string Comment (additional comment or comment)
is_set boolean Set (complete or not) 1 or 0 must be filled
weight integer Weight (product weight) must be filled
net_weight integer The net weight (net weight in the package) must be filled
min_shelf_life_stock string Minimum shelf life stock (minimum shelf life at the time of receipt)
name_eng string English name (product name in English)
tsd_name string TSD name (name used in terminals or scanners)
volume integer Size (product size) must be filled
net_volume integer The net volume (net volume in the package) must be filled
shelf_life_deviation_days string Expiry date deviation in days (maximum deviation)
min_shelf_life_period integer Minimum shelf life (minimum shelf life at the time of receipt)
shelf_life_deviation_period string Shelf life deviation period (maximum deviation period)
depositor string Storekeeper (storekeeper responsible for the product)
seasonal_abc_coefficient integer Seasonal ABC coefficient (coefficient according to ABC analysis of seasonal products)
specification string The specification (product description or technical requirements) must be filled
storage_period_days string Shelf life in days (maximum shelf life of the product)
default_status string Default status (initial status of the product)
temperature_mode string Temperature mode (product storage temperature) must be filled
base_packaging string It is mandatory to fill the main packaging (main packaging of the product).
billing_packaging string Billing package (the package used in the billing process)
report_packaging string Report wrapper (wrapper used for reports)
unit integer The unit of measurement (for example, kg, unit, liter) must be filled

Product list

Http request

GET v1/product/clients

curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"


    "message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
    "data": {
        "items": [
                "id": 39,
                "supplier_buyer_id": 5,
                "group": "stringcceee",
                "code": "stringcccee",
                "name": "stringcceee",
                "full_name": "string",
                "gtin": "112",
                "article": "string",
                "nomenclature_type": "11",
                "unit": "22",
                "comment": "string",
                "productPackagin": {
                    "id": 7,
                    "product_id": 39,
                    "base_packaging": "string",
                    "billing_packaging": "string",
                    "report_packaging": "string"
                "productShelfLive": {
                    "id": 10,
                    "product_id": 39,
                    "shelf_life_stock": "22.00",
                    "min_shelf_life_stock": "0.00",
                    "shelf_life_deviation_days": 2,
                    "shelf_life_period": 2,
                    "min_shelf_life_period": 2,
                    "shelf_life_deviation_period": 2,
                    "storage_period_days": 2,
                    "specification": "string",
                    "temperature_mode": "string"
                "productTechnical": {
                    "id": 18,
                    "product_id": 39,
                    "weight": "88.000",
                    "net_weight": "55.000",
                    "volume": "77.000",
                    "net_volume": "44.000",
                    "is_set": true,
                    "kis_code": "99",
                    "default_status": "string"
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
        "_links": {
            "self": "/v1/product/clients?page=1",
            "first": "/v1/product/clients?page=1",
            "last": "/v1/product/clients?page=1"
        "_meta": {
            "totalCount": 3,
            "pageCount": 1,
            "currentPage": 1,
            "perPage": 20
Parameter Type Description
group string Product group is mandatory
code string Product code must be entered
name string The name of the product
full_name string The full name of the product is mandatory
gtin integer GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) in
article string The product article (article number)
nomenclature_type string Nomenclature type (type of product)
shelf_life_stock integer Expiration reserve (maximum shelf life of the product)
abc_class string ABC class (product classification according to ABC analysis)
kis_code string The KIS code (Computer Information System code)
comment string Comment (additional comment or comment)
is_set boolean Set (complete or not) 1 or 0
weight integer Weight (product weight)
net_weight integer The net weight (net weight in the package)
min_shelf_life_stock string Minimum shelf life stock (minimum shelf life at the time of receipt)
name_eng string English name (product name in English)
tsd_name string TSD name (name used in terminals or scanners)
volume integer Size (product size)
net_volume integer The net volume (net volume in the package)
shelf_life_deviation_days string Expiry date deviation in days (maximum deviation)
min_shelf_life_period integer Minimum shelf life (minimum shelf life at the time of receipt)
shelf_life_deviation_period string Shelf life deviation period (maximum deviation period)
depositor string Storekeeper (storekeeper responsible for the product)
seasonal_abc_coefficient integer Seasonal ABC coefficient (coefficient according to ABC analysis of seasonal products)
specification string The specification (product description or technical requirements)
storage_period_days string Shelf life in days (maximum shelf life of the product)
default_status string Default status (initial status of the product)
temperature_mode string Temperature mode (product storage temperature)
base_packaging string It is mandatory to fill the main packaging (main packaging of the product).
billing_packaging string Billing package (the package used in the billing process)
report_packaging string Report wrapper (wrapper used for reports)
unit integer The unit of measurement (for example, kg, unit, liter)

Update the status of products to be received

Http request

POST v1/product/client-status

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept\: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
    "status" => [
                  {"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
                  {"id": 2,"status": "ok"}


  "message": "products successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter Type Description
status array You need to send the IDs of successfully saved product with an OK status.

Receiving goods create

Http request

POST v1/receiving-goods/create

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
    "number": "number",
    "date": "date",
    "counterparty": "counterparty",
    "arrival_date": "arrival_date",
    "comment": "comment",
    "vehicle_model": "vehicle_model",
    "vehicle_number": "vehicle_number",
    "driver_name": "driver_name",
    "driver_document": "driver_document",
    "contract_number": "contract_number",
    "contract_date": "contract_date",
    "nomenclature": "nomenclature",
    "quantity": "quantity",
    "price": "price",
    "total_amount": "total_amount",
    "kis_number": "kis_number",
    "kis_date": "kis_date",
    "accept_by_places": "accept_by_places",
    "vehicle_type": "vehicle_type",
    "vat_rate": "vat_rate",
    "vat_amount": "vat_amount",
    "price_includes_vat": "price_includes_vat",
    "discount_amount": "discount_amount",
    "under_delivery_percent": "under_delivery_percent",
    "over_delivery_percent": "over_delivery_percent",
    "nomenclature_package": "nomenclature_package",
    "package_quantity": "package_quantity"


    "message": "Record successfully created.",
    "data": {
        "id": 11,
        "number": "string",
        "date": "2024-11-11",
        "counterparty": "string",
        "arrival_date": "2024-11-11",
        "comment": "string",
        "vehicle_model": "string",
        "vehicle_number": "string",
        "driver_name": "string",
        "driver_document": "string",
        "contract_number": "string",
        "contract_date": "2024-11-11",
        "acceptance_gate": null,
        "nomenclature": "string",
        "quantity": 11,
        "price": "44.00",
        "total_amount": "55.00",
        "supplierDetail": {
            "id": 8,
            "supplier_id": 11,
            "kis_number": null,
            "kis_date": "2024-11-11",
            "accept_by_places": true,
            "vehicle_type": null,
            "vat_rate": "444.00",
            "vat_amount": "66.00",
            "price_includes_vat": true,
            "discount_amount": "44.00",
            "under_delivery_percent": "20.00",
            "over_delivery_percent": "30.00"
        "supplierPackage": {
            "id": 2,
            "supplier_id": 11,
            "nomenclature_package": "string",
            "package_quantity": 0
        "_links": {
            "self": {
                "href": "http:/"
Parameter Type Description
number integer Delivery number is required
date string Delivery date is mandatory
counterparty string It is necessary to fill in the counterparty (cargo delivery organization).
arrival_date string The date the shipment was received
comment string Comment (additional comment or comment)
vehicle_model string Model of the vehicle
vehicle_number integer Registration number of the vehicle
driver_name string Full name of the driver
driver_document string Document related to the driver (passport, license, etc.)
contract_number integer Contract number
contract_date string Contract Date
nomenclature string Nomenclature (type of cargo or list of products) must be filled
quantity integer The amount of the product must be filled
price integer It is necessary to fill in the price of one piece or unit of the product
total_amount integer The total amount (price * amount) must be filled
kis_number integer Order number in the KIS system
kis_date string The date the order was entered in the KIS system
accept_by_places boolean Accept by cargo area (true/false)
vehicle_type string Type of vehicle (eg truck, bus)
vat_rate integer VAT rate (in percent)
vat_amount integer VAT amount
price_includes_vat boolean Does the price include VAT (true/false)
discount_amount integer Discount amount
under_delivery_percent integer Percentage of products not delivered
over_delivery_percent integer Percentage of over-delivered product
nomenclature_package string Type of nomenclature packaging
package_quantity integer Number of packages

Receiving goods list

Http request

GET v1/receiving-goods/clients

curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type: "application/json"


    "message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
    "data": {
        "items": [
                "id": 10,
                "number": "string",
                "date": "2024-11-11",
                "counterparty": "string",
                "arrival_date": "2024-11-11",
                "comment": "string",
                "vehicle_model": "string",
                "vehicle_number": "string",
                "driver_name": "string",
                "driver_document": "string",
                "contract_number": "string",
                "contract_date": "2024-11-11",
                "acceptance_gate": null,
                "nomenclature": "string",
                "quantity": 20,
                "price": "200.00",
                "total_amount": "2000.00",
                "supplierDetail": {
                    "id": 7,
                    "supplier_id": 10,
                    "kis_number": null,
                    "kis_date": "2024-11-11",
                    "accept_by_places": true,
                    "vehicle_type": null,
                    "vat_rate": "20.00",
                    "vat_amount": "30.00",
                    "price_includes_vat": true,
                    "discount_amount": "40.00",
                    "under_delivery_percent": "25.00",
                    "over_delivery_percent": "50.00"
                "supplierPackage": {
                    "id": 1,
                    "supplier_id": 10,
                    "nomenclature_package": "string11",
                    "package_quantity": 0
                "_links": {
                    "self": {
                        "href": ""
        "_links": {
            "self": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1",
            "first": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1",
            "last": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1"
        "_meta": {
            "totalCount": 2,
            "pageCount": 1,
            "currentPage": 1,
            "perPage": 20
Parameter Type Description
number integer Delivery number is required
date string Delivery date is mandatory
counterparty string It is necessary to fill in the counterparty (cargo delivery organization).
arrival_date string The date the shipment was received
comment string Comment (additional comment or comment)
vehicle_model string Model of the vehicle
vehicle_number integer Registration number of the vehicle
driver_name string Full name of the driver
driver_document string Document related to the driver (passport, license, etc.)
contract_number integer Contract number
contract_date string Contract Date
nomenclature string Nomenclature (type of cargo or list of products)
quantity integer The amount of the product
price integer It is necessary to fill in the price of one piece or unit of the product
total_amount integer The total amount (price * amount)
kis_number integer Order number in the KIS system
kis_date string The date the order was entered in the KIS system
accept_by_places boolean Accept by cargo area (true/false)
vehicle_type string Type of vehicle (eg truck, bus)
vat_rate integer VAT rate (in percent)
vat_amount integer VAT amount
price_includes_vat boolean Does the price include VAT (true/false)
discount_amount integer Discount amount
under_delivery_percent integer Percentage of products not delivered
over_delivery_percent integer Percentage of over-delivered product
nomenclature_package string Type of nomenclature packaging
package_quantity integer Number of packages

Update the status of goods to be received

Http request

POST v1/receiving-goods/client-status

curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header  "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header  "accept\: "application/json"
--header  "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
    "status" => [
                  {"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
                  {"id": 2,"status": "ok"}


  "message": "supplier successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter Type Description
status array You need to send the IDs of successfully saved receiving_goods with an OK status.


Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.