Api Url
Version 1.0 End point
API Token ni olish
curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"username": "{{username}}",
"password": "{{password}}",
"inn": "{{inn}}"
"text": "Invalid INN"
HTTP Request
POST (JSON) v1/auth/get-token
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Required | Description |
username | string | Yes | Login |
password | string | Yes | Parol |
inn | string | Yes | Kompaniya INN raqami |
Mahalliy Buyurtma
Buyurtma yaratish
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
"senderAddress":"Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 5-A",
"senderReal":"Jurabek Turdiyev",
"senderPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
"name": "Kitob",
"code": "ZFD21AD",
"count": 1
"name": "Daftar",
"code": "AV2321",
"count": 2
"receiver":"Odil Ahkmedov",
"receiverAddress":"Gozovo qish. 41 uy",
"receiverPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
"options": [
"optionId": 2,
"goods": [
"mxikGoodsId": 71,
"amount": 1,
"goodPrice": 700000
"mxikGoodsId": 72,
"amount": 1,
"goodPrice": 100000
"orderId": 229234,
"customer": {
"id": 79,
"name": "ООО JOHD "
"status": {
"id": 1,
"info": "Mijozda"
"senderRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"senderCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani",
"regionId": 2
"senderBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"senderDelivery": 1,
"senderAddress": "Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 7-A",
"senderReal": "Jurabek Turdiyev",
"senderPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
"receiver": "Odil Ahkmedov",
"receiverRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"receiverCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani"
"receiverBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"receiverDelivery": 1,
"receiverAddress": "Gozovo qish. 41 uy",
"receiverPhone": "+998 99 1234568",
"receiverPhone1": null,
"package": {
"id": 8,
"name": "BTS PAKETLAR"
"postType": {
"id": 4,
"name": "HUJJATLAR"
"cost": "12000.00",
"weight": "2.000",
"piece": 1,
"clientId": abc123mn12,
"volume": 0,
"takePhoto": 0,
"senderSign": null,
"receiverSign": null,
"senderDate": "2018-02-06",
"receiverDate": "2018-02-07",
"barcode": "60000006106"
"labelEncode": "<encoded_file>"
Failure Validation error
"errors": {
"senderPhone": [
"«Telefon» ni to'ldirishingiz kerak."
"weight": [
"«Kg» to'ldirilishi kerak."
HTTP Request
POST /order/add
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
senderCityId* | integer | Yuboruvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
senderAddress* | string | Yuboruvchining manzili |
senderDelivery | integer | 1-Kurerga qo'ng'iroq qiling, 0-BTS ofisiga olib ketish. |
senderReal* | string | Yuboruvchining to'liq ismi |
senderPhone* | string | Yuboruvchining telefon raqami |
weight* | double | Jo'natma og'irligi |
packageId* | integer | Qadoqlash turi. Qadoqlash turlari |
postTypeId* | integer | Yuborish turi Yuborish turlari |
receiver* | string | Qabul qiluvchining to'liq ismi |
receiverAddress* | string | Qabul qiluvchining manzili |
receiverDelivery | integer | 1-Agar kurer yetkazib bersa, 0-qabul qiluvchi BTSni ofisdan olsa. | receiverCityId* | integer | Qabul qiluvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
receiver_branch_id | integer | receiverDelivery = 0 yuborilsa receiver_branch_id qiymatiga "receiverCityId" da mavjud bolgan ofis "id"si biriktiriladiFiliallar ro'yxati |
clientId | string | Mijoz shtrix kodi |
volume | number | Hajm (hajm = uzunlik * balandlik * kenglik) yuborish |
takePhoto | integer | 1 - oluvchining fotosurati kerak, 0 - shart emas. standart 0. Qabul qilingan qiymatlar |
is_test | integer | 1 - sinov uchun, 0 - kerak emas. standart 0. Qabul qilingan qiymatlar |
senderSign | string | Yuboruvchining imzosi |
receiverSign | string | qabul qiluvchining imzosi |
piece | integer | joʻnatma soni, standart 1 |
senderDate | date | Taqdim etilgan sana, boshlang'ich buyurtma sanasi |
receiverDate | date | Qabul qilingan sana, standart buyurtma sanasi |
receiverPhone* | string | Qabul qiluvchining telefon raqami |
receiverPhone1 | string | Qabul qiluvchining qo'shimcha telefon raqami |
bringBackMoney | integer | 1 - tovar uchun pul qaytarilishi kerak, 0 - etkazib berishda naqd pul yo'q. |
back_money | integer | siz bringBackMoney 1 ga teng bo'lganda miqdorni ko'rsatishingiz kerak. |
bringBackWaybill | integer | 1-Qaytish hujjati kerak |
additionalInfo | string | Sharhlar (Hujjatning bir nusxasi qaytariladi) |
labelEncode | string | Shtrix-kod (fayl) |
Elektron kassa chekni olish uchun (COD uchun majburiy) | ||
options | array | Mahsulot tafsilotlari massivi |
optionId | integer | 2 - Elektron kassa chekini olish uchun |
goods | array | Mahsulot tafsilotlari massivi |
mxikGoodsId | integer | Mahsulotning mahsulotlar ro'yxatidagi ID raqami Mahsulotlar ro'yxati |
amount | integer | Mahsulotning soni |
goodPrice | integer | 1 dona tovarning qiymati (summasi so'mda) |
Buyurtmani taxrirlash
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
"senderAddress":"Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 5-A",
"senderReal":"Jurabek Turdiyev",
"senderPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
"name": "Kitob",
"code": "ZFD21AD",
"count": 1
"name": "Daftar",
"code": "AV2321",
"count": 2
"receiver":"Odil Ahkmedov",
"receiverAddress":"Gozovo qish. 41 uy",
"receiverPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
"options": [
"optionId": 2,
"goods": [
"mxikGoodsId": 71,
"amount": 1,
"goodPrice": 700000
"mxikGoodsId": 72,
"amount": 1,
"goodPrice": 100000
"orderId": 229234,
"customer": {
"id": 79,
"name": "ООО JOHD "
"status": {
"id": 1,
"info": "Mijozda"
"senderRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"senderCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani",
"regionId": 2
"senderBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"senderDelivery": 1,
"senderAddress": "Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 7-A",
"senderReal": "Jurabek Turdiyev",
"senderPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
"receiver": "Odil Ahkmedov",
"receiverRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"receiverCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani"
"receiverBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"receiverDelivery": 1,
"receiverAddress": "Gozovo qish. 41 uy",
"receiverPhone": "+998 99 1234568",
"receiverPhone1": null,
"package": {
"id": 8,
"name": "BTS PAKETLAR"
"postType": {
"id": 4,
"name": "HUJJATLAR"
"cost": "12000.00",
"weight": "2.000",
"piece": 1,
"clientId": abc123mn12,
"volume": 0,
"takePhoto": 0,
"senderSign": null,
"receiverSign": null,
"senderDate": "2018-02-06",
"receiverDate": "2018-02-07",
"barcode": "60000006106"
"labelEncode": "<encoded_file>"
Failure Validation error
"errors": {
"senderPhone": [
"«Telefon» ni to'ldirishingiz kerak."
"weight": [
"«Kg» to'ldirilishi kerak."
HTTP Request
POST /order/edit
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId* | integer | Buyurtma ID si |
senderCityId* | integer | Yuboruvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
senderAddress* | string | Yuboruvchining manzili |
senderDelivery | integer | 1-Kurerga qo'ng'iroq qiling, 0-BTS ofisiga olib ketish. |
senderReal* | string | Yuboruvchining to'liq ismi |
senderPhone* | string | Yuboruvchining telefon raqami |
weight* | double | Jo'natma og'irligi |
packageId* | integer | Qadoqlash turi. Qadoqlash turlari |
postTypeId* | integer | Yuborish turi Yuborish turlari |
receiver* | string | Qabul qiluvchining to'liq ismi |
receiverAddress* | string | Qabul qiluvchining manzili |
receiverDelivery | integer | 1-Agar kurer yetkazib bersa, 0-qabul qiluvchi BTSni ofisdan olsa. | receiverCityId* | integer | Qabul qiluvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
receiver_branch_id | integer | receiverDelivery = 0 yuborilsa receiver_branch_id qiymatiga "receiverCityId" da mavjud bolgan ofis "id"si biriktiriladiFiliallar ro'yxati |
clientId | string | Mijoz shtrix kodi |
volume | number | Hajm (hajm = uzunlik * balandlik * kenglik) yuborish |
takePhoto | integer | 1 - oluvchining fotosurati kerak, 0 - shart emas. standart 0. Qabul qilingan qiymatlar |
is_test | integer | 1 - sinov uchun, 0 - kerak emas. standart 0. Qabul qilingan qiymatlar |
senderSign | string | Yuboruvchining imzosi |
receiverSign | string | qabul qiluvchining imzosi |
piece | integer | joʻnatma soni, standart 1 |
senderDate | date | Taqdim etilgan sana, boshlang'ich buyurtma sanasi |
receiverDate | date | Qabul qilingan sana, standart buyurtma sanasi |
receiverPhone* | string | Qabul qiluvchining telefon raqami |
receiverPhone1 | string | Qabul qiluvchining qo'shimcha telefon raqami |
bringBackMoney | integer | 1 - tovar uchun pul qaytarilishi kerak, 0 - etkazib berishda naqd pul yo'q. |
back_money | integer | siz bringBackMoney 1 ga teng bo'lganda miqdorni ko'rsatishingiz kerak. |
bringBackWaybill | integer | 1-Qaytish hujjati kerak |
additionalInfo | string | Sharhlar (Hujjatning bir nusxasi qaytariladi) |
labelEncode | string | Shtrix-kod (fayl) |
Elektron kassa chekni olish uchun (COD uchun majburiy) | ||
options | array | Mahsulot tafsilotlari massivi |
optionId | integer | 2 - Elektron kassa chekini olish uchun |
goods | array | Mahsulot tafsilotlari massivi |
mxikGoodsId | integer | Mahsulotning mahsulotlar ro'yxatidagi ID raqami Mahsulotlar ro'yxati |
amount | integer | Mahsulotning soni |
goodPrice | integer | 1 dona tovarning qiymati (summasi so'mda) |
Elektron kassa cheki uchun mahsulotni ro'yxatdan o'tkazish
Http request
Parameter | Type | Description |
spic | string | Mahsulotlar va xizmatlarning identifikatsiya kodlari (MXIK) |
name | string | Mahsulotning qisqacha nomi |
units | string | O'lchov birligi |
goodPrice | integer | Bitta mahsulotning narxi |
"spic": "08517001001020045",
"name": "Telefon",
"units": "dona",
"goodPrice": 100000
"id": 72,
"spic": "08517001001020045",
"name": "Telefon",
"units": "dona",
"goodPrice": "100000"
Elektron kassa cheki uchun mahsulotlar ro'yxati
Http request
"id": 71,
"spic": "04901001001000000",
"name": "Босма китоблар",
"units": "dona",
"goodPrice": 700000
"id": 72,
"spic": "08517001001020045",
"name": "Telefon",
"units": "dona",
"goodPrice": 100000
Buyurtma ma'lumotlari
Http request
GET /order/detail&id=<orderId>
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | integer | Buyurtma raqami |
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
JSON формат:
"orderId": "<orderId>",
"customer": {
"id": 79,
"name": "ООО JOHD "
"status": {
"id": 1,
"info": "Mijozda"
"senderRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"senderCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani",
"regionId": 2
"senderBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"senderDelivery": 1,
"senderAddress": "г.Ташкент,ул.Бабаева,7-А",
"senderPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
"receiver": "Odil Ahkmedov",
"receiverRegion": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Andijon viloyati"
"receiverCity": {
"id": 3,
"name": "Асака туман"
"receiverBranch": {
"id": 93,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"regionId": 2
"receiverDelivery": 1,
"receiverAddress":"Gozovo qish. 41 uy",
"receiverPhone": "+998 99 1234568",
"receiverPhone1": null,
"package": {
"id": 8,
"name": "BTS PAKETLAR"
"postType": {
"id": 4,
"name": "HUJJATLAR"
"cost": "12000.00",
"weight": "2.000",
"piece": 1,
"volume": "0",
"urgent": 0,
"takePhoto": 0,
"senderSign": null,
"receiverSign": null,
"senderDate": "2018-02-06",
"receiverDate": "2018-02-07",
"barcode": "60000006106"
"labelEncode": "<encoded_file>"
Buyurtmani o'chirish
Http request
GET /order/cancel&id=<orderId>
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | integer | Buyurtma raqami |
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
JSON формат:
"orderId": "229234",
"status": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Bekor qilingan buyurtma"
Buyurtma kalkulyator
Buyurtma narxi.
Http Request
POST /order/calculate
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"\
"senderCityId": 3,
"receiverCityId": 3,
"weight": 1,
"volume": null,
"senderDate": "2018-02-06",
"senderDelivery": 1,
"receiverDelivery": 1
"summaryPrice": 10000,
"requestData": {
"weight": 1,
"volume": null,
"senderCityId": 3,
"receiverCityId": 3,
"senderDate": "2018-02-06",
"senderDelivery": 1,
"receiverDelivery": 1
"errors": {
"senderCityId": [
"«Yuborish shahri» ni to'ldirishingiz kerak."
Parameter | Type | Description |
senderCityId* | integer | Yuboruvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
weight* | double | Jo'natma og'irligi |
receiverCityId* | integer | Qabul qiluvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
volume | number | Hajm (hajm = uzunlik * balandlik * kenglik) yuborish |
senderDate | date | Taqdim etilgan sana, boshlang'ich buyurtma sanasi |
senderDelivery | integer | 2-Kuryer chaqirish (uzoq qishloqdan), 1-kurer chaqarish (shahar markazidan), 0-BTS ofisiga olib ketish. |
receiverDelivery | integer | 2-Agar kurer yetkazib bersa (uzoq qishloqga), 1-agar kurer yetkazib bersa (shahar markaziga), 0-agar qabul qiluvchi BTSni ofisdan olsa. |
Hozirgi holat
Http request
GET /order/track&id=<orderId>
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | integer | Buyurtma ID si |
"orderId": 229234,
"status": {
"id": 1,
"name": "new"
Http request
GET /order/history&id=<orderId>
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | integer | Buyurtma ID si |
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
"message": "message1",
"timestamp": 1720690236,
"status_id": 4,
"location": "QUSHBEGI BTS (PVZ)"
"message": "message2",
"timestamp": 1720690321,
"status_id": 5,
"location": "JARQO'RG'ON BTS"
Bekor qilish sabablari
Http request
GET v1/order/cancellation&id=<orderId>
Parameter | Type | Description |
orderId | integer | Buyurtma ID si |
--request GET \
--url "<orderId>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
"employee": "Jon Done",
"description": "Saqlash muddati tugagan",
"date": 2024-08-20 14:29:06
"employee": "Jon Done",
"description": "Noto`g`ri manzil",
"date": 2024-08-23 14:29:06
Statuslar ro'yxati
id | info |
0 | Rad etilgan |
1 | Yuboruvchida |
2 | Kuryer buyurtmani qabul qildi |
3 | Jo'natuvchining ofisida |
4 | Yetkazish ofisida |
5 | Kuryer yetkazmoqda |
6 | Yetkazib berilgan |
7 | Qaytarish |
8 | Tranzit ofisda |
10 | Saralash markazida |
31 | Omborda |
32 | Qopda |
33 | Transportda |
34 | RC kuryerka |
Xalqaro Buyurtma
Buyurtma yaratish
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
"ReceiverPhone":"+998 99 1234567",
"ReceiverPhone1":"+998 88 1234567",
"ReceiverAddress":"Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 5-A",
"ParcelNumber": "366489851"
"ReceiverPhone": "+998 99 1234567",
"ReceiverPhone1": "+998 88 1234567",
"ReceiverPatronymic": 2,
"ReceiverSurname": Elizabeth,
"ReceiverFirstName": Emily,
"ReceiverPassposrtSerial": AC,
"ReceiverPassposrtNumber": 0579415,
"ReceiverPinfl": 12345678912345,
"ReceiverAddress":"Toshkent sh., Bobur ko‘chasi, 5-A",
"ReceiverCustomsAgree": 1,
"ParcelWeight": "4"
"ParcelValue": "312412 "
"ParcelDeclareCurrency": "RUB"
"ReceiverDelivery": 0,
"branch": {
"ReceiverBranchId": 62,
"name": "ASAKA BTS"
"city": {
"ReceiverCityId": 3,
"name": "Asaka tumani"
"products": {
"ProductDescription": "Футболка1",
"ProductDescriptionRu": "ФутболкаRu1",
"ProductQuantity": "2",
"ProductWeight": "4",
"ProductDeclareValue": "1",
"ProductUrl": "url1",
"ProductUnit": "kg",
"HsCodeIs": "6211390000",
"ProductModel": "2324345",
"ProductImei": "2342342341245"
"ProductDescription": "Футболка2",
"ProductDescriptionRu": "ФутболкаRu2",
"ProductQuantity": "1",
"ProductWeight": "5",
"ProductDeclareValue": "1",
"ProductUrl": "url2",
"ProductUnit": "kg",
"HsCodeIs": "546567565",
"ProductModel": "6523434",
"ProductImei": "324234523412"
Failure Validation error
"errors": {
"ReceiverPhone": [
"«Telefon» ni to'ldirishingiz kerak."
"ParcelWeight": [
"«Kg» to'ldirilishi kerak."
HTTP Request
POST /international/add
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ParcelNumber* | string | Posilka raqami |
ReceiverPhone* | string | Bog‘lanish uchun raqam |
ReceiverPhone1 | string | Mahalliy telefon |
ReceiverPatronymic | string | Otasining ismi | ReceiverSurname* | string | Familiya |
ReceiverFirstName* | string | Ism |
ReceiverPassposrtSerial* | string | Pasport seriyasi |
ReceiverPassposrtNumber* | string | Pasport raqami |
ReceiverPinfl* | string | Pinfl |
ReceiverAddress | string | Oluvchining manzili (Jismoniy shaxs) |
ReceiverCustomsAgree | string | Oluvchi bojxona roziligi |
ParcelWeight* | string | Posilkaning vazni |
ParcelValue | string | Posilkaning qiymati |
ParcelDeclareCurrency* | string | Posilka deklaratsiyasi valyutasi |
ReceiverCityId | integer | Qabul qiluvchining shahri. Shaharlar ro'yxati |
ReceiverBranchId | integer | receiverDelivery = 0 yuborilsa receiver_branch_id qiymatiga "receiverCityId" da mavjud bolgan ofis "id"si biriktiriladiFiliallar ro'yxati |
ReceiverDelivery* | string | 1-Kurerga qo'ng'iroq qiling, 0-BTS ofisiga olib ketish. |
products | array | Product tafsilotlari massivi |
ProductDescription* | text | Mahsulot tavsifi |
ProductDescriptionRu* | text | Ruscha tavsif |
ProductQuantity* | string | Soni |
ProductWeight* | string | Sof vazn (kg) |
ProductDeclareValue* | string | Bitta uchun eʼlon qilingan qiymat |
ProductUrl* | string | Mahsulot havolasi |
ProductUnit* | string | Mahsulot birligi Og'irlik: Kilogramm (kg), Gramm (g), Tonna (t). Miqdor: Dona (dona). Hajm: Litr (L), Millilitr (mL), Kub metr (m³). |
HsCodeIs* | string | HS kodi |
ProductModel | string | Mahsulot modeli |
ProductImei | string | Mahsulot IMEI raqami |
Hozirgi holat
Http request
GET /international/track-by-barcode&barcode=<barcode>
--request GET \
--url "<barcode>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
Parameter | Type | Description |
barcode | string | Buyurtma shtrix kodi |
"barcode": 01000865704,
"status": {
"code": 200,
"message": "In the sorting center"
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
--header 'content-type: application/json'
"success": true,
"message": "Manifest processed successfully.."
Failure Validation error
"errors": {
"ManifestNumber": [
"ManifestNumber cannot be blank.."
"ParcelsCount": [
"ParcelsCount bo'sh bo'lishi mumkin emas.."
HTTP Request
POST /international/manifest
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
ManifestNumber* | string | Manifest raqami |
Date* | string | Manifest sanasi |
ParcelNumber* | string | Buyurtma raqami |
ParcelsCount* | string | Buyurtmalar soni |
Statuslar ro'yxati
code | info |
100 | Yuboruvchida |
110 | Bojxonaga kirdi |
120 | Bojxonadan chiqdi |
130 | Bojxona tomonidan bekor qilindi |
200 | Saralash markazida |
300 | Qabul qiluvchi ofisida |
400 | Kuryer yetkazmoqda |
500 | Yetkazib berildi |
Shaharlar ro'yxati
id | regionId | Mahsulot nomi tuldirish shart |
1 | 14 | Shahrisabz shahar |
2 | 3 | Pop tumani |
3 | 2 | Asaka tumani |
4 | 5 | Toshkent tumani |
5 | 5 | Yangiyo'l shahar |
6 | 5 | Ohangaron shahar |
7 | 5 | Nurafshon shahar |
8 | 11 | Nukus shahar |
9 | 11 | Taxiatosh tumani |
10 | 4 | Xiva shahar |
11 | 11 | Amudaryo tumani |
12 | 11 | Beruniy tumani |
13 | 11 | Qonliko'l tumani |
14 | 11 | Qorauzak tumani |
15 | 11 | Kegeyli tumani |
16 | 11 | Qo'ng'irot tumani |
17 | 11 | Mo'ynaq tumani |
18 | 11 | Nukus tumani |
19 | 11 | Taxtako'prik tumani |
20 | 11 | To'rtko'l tumani |
21 | 11 | Xo‘jayli tumani |
22 | 11 | Chimboy tumani |
23 | 11 | Shumanay tumani |
24 | 11 | Ellikqala tumani |
25 | 2 | Andijon shahar |
26 | 2 | Xonobod shahar |
27 | 2 | Andijon tumani |
28 | 2 | Baliqchi tumani |
29 | 2 | Buloqboshi tumani |
30 | 2 | Bo'z tumani |
31 | 2 | Jalaquduq tumani |
32 | 2 | Izboskan tumani |
33 | 2 | Ulug'nor tumani |
34 | 2 | Marhamat tumani |
35 | 2 | Paxtaobod tumani |
36 | 2 | Xo'jaobod tumani |
37 | 2 | Oltinko'l tumani |
38 | 2 | Qo'rg'ontepa tumani |
39 | 2 | Shahrixon tumani |
40 | 7 | Buxoro shaxri |
41 | 7 | Kogon shaxri |
42 | 7 | Buxoro tumani |
43 | 7 | Vobkent tumani |
44 | 7 | Jondor tumani |
45 | 7 | Kogon tumani |
46 | 7 | Olot tumani |
47 | 7 | Peshku tumani |
48 | 7 | Romitan tumani |
49 | 7 | Shofirkon tumani |
50 | 7 | Qorako'l tumani |
51 | 7 | Qorovulbozor tumani |
52 | 7 | G'ijduvon tumani |
53 | 9 | Arnasoy tumani |
54 | 9 | Baxmal tumani |
55 | 9 | G'allaorol tumani |
56 | 9 | Do'stlik tumani |
57 | 9 | Jizzax shahri |
58 | 9 | Jizzax |
59 | 9 | Zarbdor tumani |
60 | 9 | Zafarobod tumani |
61 | 9 | Zomin tumani |
62 | 9 | Mirzacho'l tumani |
63 | 9 | Paxtakor tumani |
64 | 9 | Forish tumani |
65 | 9 | Yangiobod tumani |
66 | 14 | Qarshi shahri |
67 | 14 | Qarshi tumani |
68 | 14 | Muborak tumani |
69 | 14 | G'uzor tumani |
70 | 14 | Qamashi tumani |
71 | 14 | Chiroqchi tumani |
72 | 14 | Shahrisabz tumani |
73 | 14 | Qasbi tumani |
74 | 14 | Kasan tumani |
75 | 14 | Kitob tumani |
76 | 14 | Nishon tumani |
77 | 14 | Mirishkor tumani |
78 | 14 | Dehqonobod tumani |
79 | 14 | Yakkabog' tumani |
80 | 10 | Navoiy shahri |
81 | 10 | Zarafshon shahri |
82 | 10 | Karmana tumani |
83 | 10 | Tomdi tumani |
84 | 10 | Navbahor tumani |
85 | 10 | Nurota tumani |
86 | 10 | Xatirchi tumani |
87 | 10 | Qiziltepa tumani |
88 | 10 | Konimex tumani |
89 | 10 | Uchquduq shahri |
90 | 3 | Namangan shahri |
91 | 3 | Mingbuloq tumani |
92 | 3 | Kosonsoy tumani |
93 | 3 | Namangan tumani |
94 | 3 | Narin tumani |
95 | 3 | To'raqo'rg'on tumani |
96 | 3 | Uychi tumani |
97 | 3 | Uchqo'rg'on tumani |
98 | 3 | Chortoq tumani |
99 | 3 | Chust tumani |
100 | 3 | Yangiqo'rg'on tumani |
101 | 8 | Samarqand shahri |
102 | 8 | Urgut tumani |
103 | 8 | Paxtachi tumani |
104 | 8 | Kattako'rg'on tumani |
105 | 8 | Samarqand tumani |
106 | 8 | Bulung'ur tumani |
107 | 8 | Jomboy tumani |
108 | 8 | Qo'shrabot tumani |
109 | 8 | Narpay tumani |
110 | 8 | Toyloq tumani |
111 | 8 | Pastdarg'om tumani |
112 | 8 | Nurobod tumani |
113 | 8 | Kattako'rg'on shahri |
114 | 8 | Payariq tumani |
115 | 8 | Oqdaryo tumani |
116 | 8 | Ishtixon tumani |
117 | 13 | Termiz shahri |
118 | 13 | Termiz tumani |
119 | 13 | Muzrabot tumani |
120 | 13 | Oltinsoy tumani |
121 | 13 | Denov tumani |
122 | 13 | Sariosiyo tumani |
123 | 13 | Qiziriq tumani |
124 | 13 | Jarqo'rg'on tumani |
125 | 13 | Angor tumani |
126 | 13 | Qumqo'rg'on tumani |
127 | 13 | Boysut tumani |
128 | 13 | Sho'rchi tumani |
129 | 13 | Sherobod tumani |
130 | 13 | Uzun tumani |
131 | 12 | Guliston shahri |
132 | 12 | Yangiyer shahri |
133 | 12 | Shirin shahri |
134 | 12 | Oqoltin tumani |
136 | 12 | Guliston tumani |
137 | 12 | Mirzaobod tumani |
138 | 12 | Sayxunobod tumani |
139 | 12 | Sardoba tumani |
140 | 12 | Sirdaryo tumani |
141 | 12 | Xovos tumani |
142 | 5 | Angren shahri |
143 | 5 | Bekobod shahri |
144 | 5 | Olmaliq shahri |
145 | 5 | Chirchiq shahri |
146 | 5 | Bekobod tumani |
147 | 5 | Bo'stonliq tumani |
148 | 5 | Qibray tumani |
149 | 5 | Zangiota tumani |
150 | 5 | Quyi Chirchiq tumani |
151 | 5 | Oqqo'rg'on tumani |
152 | 5 | Parkent tumani |
154 | 5 | O'rta Chirchiq tumani |
155 | 5 | Chinoz tumani |
156 | 5 | Yuqori Chirchiq tumani |
157 | 5 | Bo'ka tumani |
158 | 5 | Yangiyo'l tumani |
159 | 5 | Ohangaron tumani |
160 | 15 | Farg'ona shahri |
161 | 15 | Marg'ilon shahri |
162 | 15 | Quvasoy shahri |
163 | 15 | Qo'qon shahri |
164 | 15 | Bag'dod tumani |
165 | 15 | Buvayda tumani |
166 | 15 | Dang'ara tumani |
167 | 15 | Yaypan tumani |
168 | 15 | Oltiariq tumani |
169 | 15 | Beshariq tumani |
170 | 15 | Qo'shtepa tumani |
171 | 15 | Rishton tumani |
172 | 15 | So'x tumani |
173 | 15 | Toshloq tumani |
174 | 15 | Uchko'prik tumani |
175 | 15 | Farg'ona tumani |
176 | 15 | O'zbekiston tumani |
177 | 15 | Qo'qon tumani |
178 | 15 | Furqat tumani |
179 | 4 | Urganch shahri |
180 | 4 | Bog'ot tumani |
181 | 4 | Urganch tumani |
182 | 4 | Qo'shko'pir tumani |
183 | 4 | Xonqa tumani |
184 | 4 | Yangiariq tumani |
185 | 4 | Xiva tumani |
186 | 4 | Yangibozor tumani |
187 | 4 | Hazorasp tumani |
188 | 4 | Shovot tumani |
189 | 4 | Gurlen tumani |
190 | 6 | Bektemir tumani |
191 | 6 | Mirabad tumani |
192 | 6 | M. Ulug'bek tumani |
193 | 6 | Sergeli tumani |
216 | 6 | Yangihayot tumani |
194 | 6 | Almazar tumani |
195 | 6 | Uchtepa tumani |
196 | 6 | Yashnobod tumani |
197 | 6 | Chilonzor tumani |
198 | 6 | Shayxontohur tumani |
199 | 6 | Yunusobod tumani |
200 | 6 | Yakkasaroy tumani |
201 | 5 | Piskent tumani |
167 | 15 | Yozyovon tumani |
58 | 9 | Sharof Rashidov tumani |
217 | 11 | Boʻzatov tumani |
14 | 11 | Qorao'zak tumani |
219 | 14 | Koʻkdala tumani |
218 | 4 | Tuproqqalʼa tumani |
135 | 12 | Boyovut tumani |
220 | 13 | Bandixon tumani |
id | name |
4 | Xorazm viloyati |
15 | Farg'ona viloyati |
5 | Toshkent viloyati |
6 | Toshkent |
12 | Sirdaryo viloyati |
13 | Surxondaryo viloyati |
8 | Samarqand viloyati |
3 | Namangan viloyati |
10 | Navoiy viloyati |
14 | Qashqadaryo viloyati |
11 | Qoraqalpog'iston |
9 | Jizzax viloyati |
7 | Buxoro viloyati |
2 | Andijon viloyati |
Http request
GET /directory/branches®ionId=<Id>
Parameter | Type | Description |
regionId | integer | Hudud raqami (Majburiy emas) |
--request GET \
--url "®ionId=<Id>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
JSON формат:
"id": 10,
"name": "KARSHI BTS",
"regionId": 14,
"cityId": 66,
"address": "KARSHI 5-Mikro rayon ul. Nasaf. or: Nikoh uyi orqa tomoni ",
"lat_long": "38.837395,65.783467",
"phone": "1230",
"video_link": "",
"working_hours": {
"1": "08:00-20:00",
"2": "08:00-20:00",
"3": "08:00-20:00",
"4": "08:00-20:00",
"5": "08:00-20:00",
"6": "08:00-16:00",
"7": "08:00-16:00"
Filiallar (cityId)
Http request
GET /directory/branches-with-city&cityId=<Id>
Parameter | Type | Description |
cityId | integer | Shahar raqami (ixtiyoriy) |
--request GET \
--url "<Id>" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer <token>"
JSON формат:
"id": 79,
"regionId": 6,
"cityId": 198,
"address": "Toshkent, Labzak ko'ch 2/122. Mag 118 or: Tramvay aylanasi",
"lat_long": "41.338727,69.269875",
"phone": "1230",
"video_link": "",
"working_hours": {
"1": "09:00-18:00",
"2": "09:00-18:00",
"3": "09:00-18:00",
"4": "09:00-18:00",
"5": "09:00-18:00",
"6": "09:00-18:00",
"7": "09:00-18:00"
"id": 24,
"regionId": 6,
"cityId": 198,
"address": "TASHKENT, ul. Furkat 6. Mo'ljal: Xadra,Asaka Bankni orqasi",
"lat_long": "41.319124,69.240262",
"phone": "1230",
"video_link": "",
"working_hours": {
"1": "27/7",
"2": "27/7",
"3": "27/7",
"4": "27/7",
"5": "27/7",
"6": "27/7",
"7": "27/7"
Yuborish turlari
id | name | ||
4 | HUJJATLAR | ||
8 | KITOBLAR | ||
13 | PASSPORT | ||
17 | PROTEZLAR (TISH) | ||
18 | URUG'LAR | ||
20 | MUHR | ||
21 | SANTEXNIKA | ||
22 | MEBEL | ||
24 | MATOLAR | ||
25 | USKUNALAR | ||
28 | O'YINCHOQLAR | ||
29 | BIJUTERIYA | ||
30 | KOSMETIKA | ||
Qadoqlash turlari
id | name | ||
4 | SUMKA | ||
5 | KONTEYNER | ||
6 | KONVERT | ||
7 | QUTI | ||
9 | QADOQSIZ | ||
Ha yoki Yo'q
Qiymatlar | Tavsiflar |
1 | Yoqilgan |
0 | O'chirilgan |
Statuslar ro'yxati
id | info |
0 | Rad etilgan |
1 | Yuboruvchida |
2 | Kuryer buyurtmani qabul qildi |
3 | Jo'natuvchining ofisida |
4 | Yetkazish ofisida |
5 | Kuryer yetkazmoqda |
6 | Yetkazib berilgan |
7 | Qaytarish |
8 | Tranzit ofisda |
10 | Saralash markazida |
31 | Omborda |
32 | Qopda |
33 | Transportda |
34 | RC kuryerka |
Fulfillment WMS
Http request
POST /auth
curl \
--request POST \
--url "http://wms.bts:8040/v1/auth/login" \
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
"login": "login",
"password": "password"
"access_token": "string",
"refresh_token": "string"
Parameter | Type | Description |
login | string | foydalanuvchi inn yoki tel raqam, tuldrish shart |
password | string | parolni tuldirish shart |
Yetkazib beruvchi yaratish
Http request
POST v1/purveyor/create
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
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"stock_expiry": "stock_expiry",
"legal_entity": "legal_entity",
"inn": "inn",
"kpp": "kpp",
"okpp": "okpp",
"is_buyer": "is_buyer",
"main_delivery_address": "main_delivery_address",
"depositor": "depositor",
"contract_number": "contract_number",
"contract_date": "contract_date",
"bank_details": "bank_details",
"contact_info": "contact_info",
"additional_details": "additional_details",
"is_supplier": "is_supplier"
"message": "Record successfully created.",
"data": {
"id": 14,
"group": "string",
"code": "string",
"name": "string",
"full_name": "string",
"name_eng": "string",
"contractBankDetail": {
"id": 11,
"supplier_buyer_id": 14,
"contract_number": "string",
"contract_date": "2024-11-11",
"bank_details": "string",
"contact_info": "string",
"additional_details": "string",
"main_delivery_address": "string"
"entityType": {
"id": 11,
"stock_percentage": "0.00",
"stock_expiry": 0,
"supplier_buyer_id": 14,
"legal_entity": true
"supplierBuyerStatus": {
"id": 11,
"supplier_buyer_id": 14,
"is_supplier": true,
"is_buyer": true,
"depositor": true
"taxInfo": {
"id": 11,
"supplier_buyer_id": 14,
"inn": "string",
"kpp": "string",
"okpo": "string"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http:/"
Parameter | Type | Description |
group | string | Mahsulot guruhi tuldirish shart |
code | string | Mahsulot kodi tuldirish shart |
name | string | Mahsulot nomi tuldirish shart |
full_name | string | Mahsulotning to'liq nomi tuldirish shart |
name_eng | string | Inglizcha nom (mahsulotning ingliz tilidagi nomi) |
stock_percentage | string | Yaroqlilik zaxirasi foizi |
stock_expiry | string | Yaroqlilik muddati |
legal_entity | boolean | Yuridik/jismoniy shaxs (Да/Нет) |
inn | integer | Soliq to'lovchining identifikatsiya raqami |
kpp | integer | Kompaniya ro'yxatidan o'tgan kod |
okpp | integer | Yetkazib beruvchi |
is_buyer | boolean | Xaridor (Да/Нет) |
main_delivery_address | string | Asosiy yetkazib berish manzili |
depositor | boolean | Omborchi (mahsulot uchun javobgar omborchi) |
contract_number | integer | Shartnoma raqami |
contract_date | string | Shartnoma sanasi |
bank_details | string | Bank rekvizitlari |
contact_info | string | Aloqa ma'lumotlari |
additional_details | string | Qo'shimcha rekvizitlar |
is_supplier | boolean | Yetkazib beruvchi (Да/Нет) |
Yetkazib beruvchi ro'yxat
Http request
GET v1/purveyor/clients
curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
"message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
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"name": "string",
"full_name": "string",
"name_eng": "string",
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"id": 9,
"supplier_buyer_id": 12,
"contract_number": "string",
"contract_date": "2024-10-10",
"bank_details": "string",
"contact_info": "string",
"additional_details": "string",
"main_delivery_address": "string"
"entityType": {
"id": 9,
"stock_percentage": "20.00",
"stock_expiry": 0,
"supplier_buyer_id": 12,
"legal_entity": true
"supplierBuyerStatus": {
"id": 9,
"supplier_buyer_id": 12,
"is_supplier": true,
"is_buyer": true,
"depositor": true
"taxInfo": {
"id": 9,
"supplier_buyer_id": 12,
"inn": "string",
"kpp": "string",
"okpo": "string"
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Parameter | Type | Description |
group | string | Mahsulot guruhi |
code | string | Mahsulot kodi |
name | string | Mahsulot nomi |
full_name | string | Mahsulotning to'liq nomi |
name_eng | string | Inglizcha nom (mahsulotning ingliz tilidagi nomi) |
stock_percentage | string | Yaroqlilik zaxirasi foizi |
stock_expiry | string | Yaroqlilik muddati |
legal_entity | boolean | Yuridik/jismoniy shaxs (Да/Нет) |
inn | integer | Soliq to'lovchining identifikatsiya raqami |
kpp | integer | Kompaniya ro'yxatidan o'tgan kod |
okpp | integer | Yetkazib beruvchi |
is_buyer | boolean | Xaridor (Да/Нет) |
main_delivery_address | string | Asosiy yetkazib berish manzili |
depositor | boolean | Omborchi (mahsulot uchun javobgar omborchi) |
contract_number | integer | Shartnoma raqami |
contract_date | string | Shartnoma sanasi |
bank_details | string | Bank rekvizitlari |
contact_info | string | Aloqa ma'lumotlari |
additional_details | string | Qo'shimcha rekvizitlar |
is_supplier | boolean | Yetkazib beruvchi (Да/Нет) |
Yetkazib beruvchi statusini yangilash
Http request
POST v1/purveyor/client-status
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header "accept\: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
"status" => [
{"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
{"id": 2,"status": "ok"}
"message": "supplier-buyers successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | array | Bazangizga muvaffaqiyatli saqlangan purveyor IDlarini OK statusi bilan yuborishingiz kerak bo'ladi. |
Mahsulot yaratish
Http request
POST v1/product/create
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
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"gtin": "gtin",
"article": "article",
"nomenclature_type": "nomenclature_type",
"shelf_life_stock": "shelf_life_stock",
"abc_class": "abc_class",
"kis_code": "kis_code",
"comment": "comment",
"is_set": "is_set",
"weight": "weight",
"net_weight": "net_weight",
"min_shelf_life_stock": "min_shelf_life_stock",
"name_eng": "name_eng",
"tsd_name": "tsd_name",
"volume": "volume",
"net_volume": "net_volume",
"shelf_life_deviation_days": "shelf_life_deviation_days",
"min_shelf_life_period": "min_shelf_life_period",
"shelf_life_deviation_period": "shelf_life_deviation_period",
"depositor": "depositor",
"seasonal_abc_coefficient": "seasonal_abc_coefficient",
"specification": "specification",
"storage_period_days": "storage_period_days",
"default_status": "default_status",
"temperature_mode": "temperature_mode",
"base_packaging": "base_packaging",
"billing_packaging": "billing_packaging",
"report_packaging": "report_packaging",
"unit": "unit"
"message": "Record successfully created.",
"data": {
"id": 34,
"supplier_buyer_id": 5,
"group": "string",
"code": "12345",
"name": "string",
"full_name": "string",
"gtin": "1234",
"article": "string",
"nomenclature_type": "string",
"unit": "string",
"comment": "string",
"productPackagin": {
"id": 5,
"product_id": 34,
"base_packaging": "string",
"billing_packaging": "string",
"report_packaging": "string"
"productShelfLive": {
"id": 8,
"product_id": 34,
"shelf_life_stock": "40.00",
"min_shelf_life_stock": "33.00",
"shelf_life_deviation_days": 0,
"shelf_life_period": 0,
"min_shelf_life_period": 0,
"shelf_life_deviation_period": 0,
"storage_period_days": 0,
"specification": "string",
"temperature_mode": "string"
"productTechnical": {
"id": 15,
"product_id": 34,
"weight": "20.000",
"net_weight": "50.000",
"volume": "30.000",
"net_volume": "60.000",
"is_set": true,
"kis_code": "string",
"default_status": "string"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http:/"
Parameter | Type | Description |
group | string | Mahsulot guruhi tuldirish shart |
code | string | Mahsulot kodi tuldirish shart |
name | string | Mahsulot nomi tuldirish shart |
full_name | string | Mahsulotning to'liq nomi tuldirish shart |
gtin | integer | GTIN (Global Trade Item Number - xalqaro savdo birligi raqami) tuldirish shart |
article | string | Mahsulot artikuli (artikul raqami) tuldirish shart |
nomenclature_type | string | Nomenklatura turi (mahsulotning turi) tuldirish shart |
shelf_life_stock | integer | Yaroqlilik zaxirasi (mahsulotning maksimal saqlash muddati) tuldirish shart |
abc_class | string | ABC sinfi (ABC tahlili bo'yicha mahsulot klassifikatsiyasi) |
kis_code | string | KIS kodi (Kompyuter axborot tizimi kodi) tuldirish shart |
comment | string | Izoh (qo'shimcha izoh yoki sharh) |
is_set | boolean | To'plam (komplektmi yoki yo'qmi) 1 yoki 0 tuldirish shart |
weight | integer | Og'irlik (mahsulotning og'irligi) tuldirish shart |
net_weight | integer | Netto og'irlik (qadoqdagi sof og'irlik) tuldirish shart |
min_shelf_life_stock | string | Minimal yaroqlilik zaxirasi (qabul qilish paytidagi minimal saqlash muddati) |
name_eng | string | Inglizcha nom (mahsulotning ingliz tilidagi nomi) |
tsd_name | string | TSD nomi (terminal yoki skanerlarda ishlatiladigan nom) |
volume | integer | Hajm (mahsulot hajmi) tuldirish shart |
net_volume | integer | Netto hajm (qadoqdagi sof hajm) tuldirish shart |
shelf_life_deviation_days | string | Yaroqlilik muddatining chetlashishi kunlarda (maximal og'ish) |
min_shelf_life_period | integer | Minimal yaroqlilik zaxirasi muddati (qabul qilish paytidagi minimal yaroqlilik muddati) |
shelf_life_deviation_period | string | Yaroqlilik muddatining chetlashishi davri (maksimal og'ish davri) |
depositor | string | Omborchi (mahsulot uchun javobgar omborchi) |
seasonal_abc_coefficient | integer | Mavsumiy ABC koeffitsienti (mavsumiy mahsulotlarning ABC tahlili bo'yicha koeffitsienti) |
specification | string | Spetsifikatsiya (mahsulot tavsifi yoki texnik talablari) tuldirish shart |
storage_period_days | string | Saqlash muddati kunlarda (mahsulotning maksimal saqlash muddati) |
default_status | string | Sukut bo'yicha status (mahsulotning boshlang'ich holati) |
temperature_mode | string | Harorat rejimi (mahsulotni saqlash harorati) tuldirish shart |
base_packaging | string | Asosiy o'ram (mahsulotning asosiy qadoqlanishi) tuldirish shart |
billing_packaging | string | Billing uchun o'ram (billing jarayonida foydalaniladigan o'ram) |
report_packaging | string | Hisobot uchun o'ram (hisobotlar uchun ishlatiladigan o'ram) |
unit | integer | O'lchov birligi (masalan, kg, dona, litr) tuldirish shart |
Mahsulot ro'yxat
Http request
GET v1/product/clients
curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
"message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
"data": {
"items": [
"id": 39,
"supplier_buyer_id": 5,
"group": "stringcceee",
"code": "stringcccee",
"name": "stringcceee",
"full_name": "string",
"gtin": "112",
"article": "string",
"nomenclature_type": "11",
"unit": "22",
"comment": "string",
"productPackagin": {
"id": 7,
"product_id": 39,
"base_packaging": "string",
"billing_packaging": "string",
"report_packaging": "string"
"productShelfLive": {
"id": 10,
"product_id": 39,
"shelf_life_stock": "22.00",
"min_shelf_life_stock": "0.00",
"shelf_life_deviation_days": 2,
"shelf_life_period": 2,
"min_shelf_life_period": 2,
"shelf_life_deviation_period": 2,
"storage_period_days": 2,
"specification": "string",
"temperature_mode": "string"
"productTechnical": {
"id": 18,
"product_id": 39,
"weight": "88.000",
"net_weight": "55.000",
"volume": "77.000",
"net_volume": "44.000",
"is_set": true,
"kis_code": "99",
"default_status": "string"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
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"self": "/v1/product/clients?page=1",
"first": "/v1/product/clients?page=1",
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"perPage": 20
Parameter | Type | Description |
group | string | Mahsulot guruhi |
code | string | Mahsulot kodi |
name | string | Mahsulot nomi |
full_name | string | Mahsulotning to'liq nomi |
gtin | integer | GTIN (Global Trade Item Number - xalqaro savdo birligi raqami) |
article | string | Mahsulot artikuli (artikul raqami) |
nomenclature_type | string | Nomenklatura turi (mahsulotning turi) |
shelf_life_stock | integer | Yaroqlilik zaxirasi (mahsulotning maksimal saqlash muddati) |
abc_class | string | ABC sinfi (ABC tahlili bo'yicha mahsulot klassifikatsiyasi) |
kis_code | string | KIS kodi (Kompyuter axborot tizimi kodi) |
comment | string | Izoh (qo'shimcha izoh yoki sharh) |
is_set | boolean | To'plam (komplektmi yoki yo'qmi) 1 yoki 0 |
weight | integer | Og'irlik (mahsulotning og'irligi) |
net_weight | integer | Netto og'irlik (qadoqdagi sof og'irlik) |
min_shelf_life_stock | string | Minimal yaroqlilik zaxirasi (qabul qilish paytidagi minimal saqlash muddati) |
name_eng | string | Inglizcha nom (mahsulotning ingliz tilidagi nomi) |
tsd_name | string | TSD nomi (terminal yoki skanerlarda ishlatiladigan nom) |
volume | integer | Hajm (mahsulot hajmi) |
net_volume | integer | Netto hajm (qadoqdagi sof hajm) |
shelf_life_deviation_days | string | Yaroqlilik muddatining chetlashishi kunlarda (maximal og'ish) |
min_shelf_life_period | integer | Minimal yaroqlilik zaxirasi muddati (qabul qilish paytidagi minimal yaroqlilik muddati) |
shelf_life_deviation_period | string | Yaroqlilik muddatining chetlashishi davri (maksimal og'ish davri) |
depositor | string | Omborchi (mahsulot uchun javobgar omborchi) |
seasonal_abc_coefficient | integer | Mavsumiy ABC koeffitsienti (mavsumiy mahsulotlarning ABC tahlili bo'yicha koeffitsienti) |
specification | string | Spetsifikatsiya (mahsulot tavsifi yoki texnik talablari) |
storage_period_days | string | Saqlash muddati kunlarda (mahsulotning maksimal saqlash muddati) |
default_status | string | Sukut bo'yicha status (mahsulotning boshlang'ich holati) |
temperature_mode | string | Harorat rejimi (mahsulotni saqlash harorati) |
base_packaging | string | Asosiy o'ram (mahsulotning asosiy qadoqlanishi) |
billing_packaging | string | Billing uchun o'ram (billing jarayonida foydalaniladigan o'ram) |
report_packaging | string | Hisobot uchun o'ram (hisobotlar uchun ishlatiladigan o'ram) |
unit | integer | O'lchov birligi (masalan, kg, dona, litr) |
Qabul qilinishi kerak bo'lgan mahsulotlar statusini yangilash
Http request
POST v1/product/client-status
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header "accept\: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
"status" => [
{"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
{"id": 2,"status": "ok"}
"message": "products successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | array | Bazangizga muvaffaqiyatli saqlangan product IDlarini OK statusi bilan yuborishingiz kerak bo'ladi. |
Tovarlarni qabul qilish
Http request
POST v1/receiving-goods/create
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
--data '{
"number": "number",
"date": "date",
"counterparty": "counterparty",
"arrival_date": "arrival_date",
"comment": "comment",
"vehicle_model": "vehicle_model",
"vehicle_number": "vehicle_number",
"driver_name": "driver_name",
"driver_document": "driver_document",
"contract_number": "contract_number",
"contract_date": "contract_date",
"nomenclature": "nomenclature",
"quantity": "quantity",
"price": "price",
"total_amount": "total_amount",
"kis_number": "kis_number",
"kis_date": "kis_date",
"accept_by_places": "accept_by_places",
"vehicle_type": "vehicle_type",
"vat_rate": "vat_rate",
"vat_amount": "vat_amount",
"price_includes_vat": "price_includes_vat",
"discount_amount": "discount_amount",
"under_delivery_percent": "under_delivery_percent",
"over_delivery_percent": "over_delivery_percent",
"nomenclature_package": "nomenclature_package",
"package_quantity": "package_quantity"
"message": "Record successfully created.",
"data": {
"id": 11,
"number": "string",
"date": "2024-11-11",
"counterparty": "string",
"arrival_date": "2024-11-11",
"comment": "string",
"vehicle_model": "string",
"vehicle_number": "string",
"driver_name": "string",
"driver_document": "string",
"contract_number": "string",
"contract_date": "2024-11-11",
"acceptance_gate": null,
"nomenclature": "string",
"quantity": 11,
"price": "44.00",
"total_amount": "55.00",
"supplierDetail": {
"id": 8,
"supplier_id": 11,
"kis_number": null,
"kis_date": "2024-11-11",
"accept_by_places": true,
"vehicle_type": null,
"vat_rate": "444.00",
"vat_amount": "66.00",
"price_includes_vat": true,
"discount_amount": "44.00",
"under_delivery_percent": "20.00",
"over_delivery_percent": "30.00"
"supplierPackage": {
"id": 2,
"supplier_id": 11,
"nomenclature_package": "string",
"package_quantity": 0
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "http:/"
Parameter | Type | Description |
number | integer | Yetkazib berish raqami tuldirish shart |
date | string | Yetkazib berish sanasi tuldirish shart |
counterparty | string | Kontragent (yukni yetkazib beruvchi tashkilot) tuldirish shart |
arrival_date | string | Yuk qabul qilingan sana |
comment | string | Izoh (qo'shimcha izoh yoki sharh) |
vehicle_model | string | Transport vositasining modeli |
vehicle_number | integer | Transport vositasining davlat raqami |
driver_name | string | Haydovchining to'liq ismi |
driver_document | string | Haydovchiga tegishli hujjat (pasport, litsenziya va h.k.) |
contract_number | integer | Shartnoma raqami |
contract_date | string | Shartnoma sanasi |
nomenclature | string | Nomenklatura (yukning turi yoki mahsulotlar ro‘yxati) tuldirish shart |
quantity | integer | Mahsulot miqdori tuldirish shart |
price | integer | Mahsulotning bir dona yoki birlik narxi tuldirish shart |
total_amount | integer | Jami summa (narx * miqdor) tuldirish shart |
kis_number | integer | KIS tizimidagi buyurtma raqami |
kis_date | string | KIS tizimida buyurtma kiritilgan sana |
accept_by_places | boolean | Yuk joylari bo‘yicha qabul qilish (true/false) |
vehicle_type | string | Transport vositasi turi (masalan, yuk mashinasi, avtobus) |
vat_rate | integer | QQS stavkasi (foizda) |
vat_amount | integer | QQS summasi |
price_includes_vat | boolean | Narxga QQS kiritilganmi (true/false) |
discount_amount | integer | Chegirma summasi |
under_delivery_percent | integer | Yetkazib berilmagan mahsulot foizi |
over_delivery_percent | integer | Ortiqcha yetkazib berilgan mahsulot foizi |
nomenclature_package | string | Nomenklatura qadoqlanishi turi |
package_quantity | integer | Qadoqlar soni |
Qabul qilinishi kerak bo'lgan tovar ro'yxati
Http request
GET v1/receiving-goods/clients
curl \
--request GET \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization: "Bearer token"
--header "accept: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type: "application/json"
"message": "Data successfully retrieved.",
"data": {
"items": [
"id": 10,
"number": "string",
"date": "2024-11-11",
"counterparty": "string",
"arrival_date": "2024-11-11",
"comment": "string",
"vehicle_model": "string",
"vehicle_number": "string",
"driver_name": "string",
"driver_document": "string",
"contract_number": "string",
"contract_date": "2024-11-11",
"acceptance_gate": null,
"nomenclature": "string",
"quantity": 20,
"price": "200.00",
"total_amount": "2000.00",
"supplierDetail": {
"id": 7,
"supplier_id": 10,
"kis_number": null,
"kis_date": "2024-11-11",
"accept_by_places": true,
"vehicle_type": null,
"vat_rate": "20.00",
"vat_amount": "30.00",
"price_includes_vat": true,
"discount_amount": "40.00",
"under_delivery_percent": "25.00",
"over_delivery_percent": "50.00"
"supplierPackage": {
"id": 1,
"supplier_id": 10,
"nomenclature_package": "string11",
"package_quantity": 0
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"_links": {
"self": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1",
"first": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1",
"last": "/v1/receiving-goods/clients?page=1"
"_meta": {
"totalCount": 2,
"pageCount": 1,
"currentPage": 1,
"perPage": 20
Parameter | Type | Description |
number | integer | Yetkazib berish raqami |
date | string | Yetkazib berish sanasi |
counterparty | string | Kontragent (yukni yetkazib beruvchi tashkilot) |
arrival_date | string | Yuk qabul qilingan sana |
comment | string | Izoh (qo'shimcha izoh yoki sharh) |
vehicle_model | string | Transport vositasining modeli |
vehicle_number | integer | Transport vositasining davlat raqami |
driver_name | string | Haydovchining to'liq ismi |
driver_document | string | Haydovchiga tegishli hujjat (pasport, litsenziya va h.k.) |
contract_number | integer | Shartnoma raqami |
contract_date | string | Shartnoma sanasi |
nomenclature | string | Nomenklatura (yukning turi yoki mahsulotlar ro‘yxati) |
quantity | integer | Mahsulot miqdori |
price | integer | Mahsulotning bir dona yoki birlik narxi |
total_amount | integer | Jami summa (narx * miqdor) |
kis_number | integer | KIS tizimidagi buyurtma raqami |
kis_date | string | KIS tizimida buyurtma kiritilgan sana |
accept_by_places | boolean | Yuk joylari bo‘yicha qabul qilish (true/false) |
vehicle_type | string | Transport vositasi turi (masalan, yuk mashinasi, avtobus) |
vat_rate | integer | QQS stavkasi (foizda) |
vat_amount | integer | QQS summasi |
price_includes_vat | boolean | Narxga QQS kiritilganmi (true/false) |
discount_amount | integer | Chegirma summasi |
under_delivery_percent | integer | Yetkazib berilmagan mahsulot foizi |
over_delivery_percent | integer | Ortiqcha yetkazib berilgan mahsulot foizi |
nomenclature_package | string | Nomenklatura qadoqlanishi turi |
package_quantity | integer | Qadoqlar soni |
Qabul qilinishi kerak bo'lgan tovarlar statusini yangilash
Http request
POST v1/receiving-goods/client-status
curl \
--request POST \
--url "" \
--header "Authorization\: "Bearer token"
--header "accept\: "application/json"
--header "Content-Type\: "application/json"
--data '{
"status" => [
{"id": 1,"status": "ok"},
{"id": 2,"status": "ok"}
"message": "supplier successfully updated to delivered status"
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | array | Bazangizga muvaffaqiyatli saqlangan receiving_goods IDlarini OK statusi bilan yuborishingiz kerak bo'ladi. |
Xatolik kodi | Ma'nosi |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request sucks |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong |
403 | Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only |
404 | Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method |
406 | Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json |
410 | Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later. |